Trudeau’s Hobson’s choice – Canada India relations

The ongoing diplomatic tensions between India and Canada has taken the center stage both in Canada and India. The war…

Post Dokhlam Roadmap for India

In an earlier piece the reasons for India’s firm stand on the Dokhlam standoff were explored. It must be acknowledged…

Dokhlam – India stands up to China

 India’s tough stand comes from a confident military The Dokhlam standoff between China and India in the remote mountain heights…

India’s Surgical Strike – Calling Pakistan’s Nuclear Bluff

A lot has been written about the surgical strike carried out by the Indian army deep inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir…

Pathankot -Quelling the terror from across the border

The recent attack on the air force base at Pathankot has come as a shocker. That the terrorists were neutralized…

India’s National Security Comes of Age

On the night of December 31st 2014, the Indian Coast Guard intercepted and neutralized a boat filled with explosives that…