Stoking Hindu Anger in Tamil Nadu

In the recent past Tamil Nadu had witnessed a resurgence of venomous attacks on Hindu beliefs and religious symbol heads.…

Anything but fire and fury

The State of the Union address on 30th January 2018 by President Donald Trump was welcomed by many as a…

Post Dokhlam Roadmap for India

In an earlier piece the reasons for India’s firm stand on the Dokhlam standoff were explored. It must be acknowledged…

Dokhlam – India stands up to China

 India’s tough stand comes from a confident military The Dokhlam standoff between China and India in the remote mountain heights…

Decline of Anti-Modi Protests

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi continues to make waves in world capitals with his charm offensive. In his recent and…

Will Rajinikanth’s entry into politics kill the Dravidian parties?

The political situation currently obtaining in Tamil Nadu is akin to a rudderless ship lost in a stormy sea. The…

Modi’s Killer Media Strategy

It is no exaggeration that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the one among the select band of leaders– probably…

Destabilizing America From Within

President Trump’s first five months in office have truly been action packed.  Many of his new team members have been…

Europe On A Slippery Slope

The attack near the UK Parliament on March 22nd this year by 52-year-old Khalid Masood that killed four innocent people…

President Trump orders review of Dodd Frank Act

Among the slew of executive orders that President Trump signed in his first few weeks in office, was one directing…

Britain’s Hard Brexit Strategy – Unraveling of the European Union?

In a hard-hitting speech on the 17th of January 2017, British Prime Minister May clearly spelt out the country’s stand…

Jayalalitha’s Demise And Political Realignment In Tamil Nadu

The passing away of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalitha on December 6th has cast a pall of gloom…